Saturday, June 22, 2019

Daniel's Time of the End

Daniel's Time of the End
Daniel 12:8 "And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what [shall be] the end of these [things]?"
what (shall be)... Question 16. The last question in Daniel. What will follow these events of the 3 1/2 years during which time Antichrist will scatter the Jewish nation?
The 10-fold Answer to Daniel:
1. Go thy way, Daniel (Dan. 12:13).
2. The vision is sealed until the time of the end (Dan. 12:4).
3. Many shall be purified.
4. Many shall be made white.
5. Many will be tried.
6. The wicked will increase wickedness.
7. The wicked will not understand the vision, but the righteous will (Dan. 12:10).
8. From the time the daily sacrifice will be taken away (Dan. 12:11; 8:9-14; 9:27), and from the setting up of the abomination of desolation there will be three periods:.
(1) 1,260 days (Dan. 12:7)
(2) 1,290 days (Dan. 12:11)
(3) 1,335 days (Dan_12:12).
9. Blessed is the man that waits and lives up to the end of the 1,335 days (Dan. 12:12).
10. You will have a part in these events of the days following the 1,335 days (Dan. 12:13).
Daniel is like so many of us. He heard the words, but he did not understand what they were saying. His only chance of understanding is in the Lord.