Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Sheep Hear My Voice

My Sheep Hear My Voice

Before Jesus was crucified He told the disciples to watch and pray, something so simple, but they let their physical bodies take over and they fell back asleep. In these last hours of time you need to hear His voice. When He tells you something, it is very important, but most ignore my voice or just discuss it and go on with what they were doing. You will see many things start to happen shortly and if you do not hear and obey His voice,... it will mean death for some of you....Jesus has only your best interest in mind. Christ knows you heart, and if you are truly His you will hear His voice. He awakes many of you at 3am on the dot, but most will roll over and go back to sleep. There are a few who will get up and pray. Your day is filled with so many things and Jesus is the last thing many of you give your time to. But Christ needs to talk to you,... to fellowship with you and only when you are still and quite (3am) can you hear Him,... the rest of your day is so busy you do not have time for Him,... but you need to make time, for time is short and the Lord has instructions for you.

The Seventh Trumpet: The Third Woe

(Rev. 11:14-13:18)
And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. Rev 11:18

Their song of praise indicates that the time had come for God to judge the nations, to judge the dead, and to reward God’s servants.

nations were angry... No longer terrified (compare 6:15-17), they will be filled with defiant rage. Their hostility will shortly manifest itself in a foolish attempt to fight against Christ, a doomed, futile effort that is the apex of human rebellion against God (16:14); 19:17-21).
and thy wrath... Almighty God answers the feeble, impotent fury of the nations (compare Psalm 2:1-9). The 24 elders speak of God’s future wrath (20:11-15), as if it were already present, signifying its certainty. That God will one day pour out His wrath on rebellious men is a major theme in Scripture (compare Isa. 24:17-23; 26:20-21: 30:27-33: Ezek. 38:16ff; 2 Thess. 1:5-10).
The nations, (worldly people), had a hay-day persecuting the believers. They were angry and very unfavorable to those with faith. Now the tables are turned. These very ones, whom they persecuted, will rule over them. Here we see punishment for those who did not accept the gift of salvation and great rewards given to those who did accept and live for Jesus. These, who will be destroyed, are actually the cause of the earth being destroyed. The wrath of God not only destroyed them, but damaged the earth as well.
time of the… The final outpouring of God’s wrath includes judging the dead (compare Matt. 25:31-46; John 5:25-29). The judgment has two parts:
(1) God rewards Old Testament saints (Dan. 12:1-3; compare 22:12; 1 Cor. 3:8; 4:5), the raptured church (1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Thess. 4:13-18), and Tribulation saints (20:4); and
(2) God condemns unbelievers to the lake of fire forever (20:15).
These, who will be destroyed, are actually the cause of the earth being destroyed. The wrath of God not only destroyed them, but damaged the earth as well.