Sunday, July 24, 2022

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 5 Vs. 9

The Beatitudes


Matthew 5:9 “Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”

Blessed are the... The next description deals with the peacemakers. They are at peace with God and desire to live in peace with all men (Rom. 5:1).

Their peace with Christ enables them to be ambassadors of God’s message to a troubled world. Hence, they shall be called “the children of God.”

Throughout the Beatitudes Jesus clearly underscores that only those who have the qualities of a changed life, herein described, are citizens of His kingdom.

Jesus is the King of Peace. The only true peace comes from Him. There will never be peace on the earth, until the King of Peace comes and brings His peace to the earth. If we are His children, we pattern our lives by His; and we too, bring peace around us as He has given us His peace within. Truly, we are His children (followers), in His peace.

The peacemakers (Mat. 5:9) show others how to have inward peace with God and how to be instruments of peace in the world.