Hosea Redeems His Wife
So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley: Hos. 3:2
So I bought... Price of Hosea’s wife: Probably from a slave auction, Hosea purchased Gomer for 15 shekels of silver and 1-1/2 homers of barley. Together, the total may have equaled 30 pieces of silver, the price paid for a common slave (Exodus 21:32). Barley was the offering of one accused of adultery (Num. 5:15).
The price paid to redeem Gomer is indicative of the depth to which she had sunk, as we see in this Israel. Barley was considered to be a food fit only for animals, and was eaten only by the poorest people.
15 shekels of silver @ $2.50 each: $37.50
and for an... 1.5 homers of barley—9.375 bushels (6.25 bushels to a homer) @ $4.00 each bushel: $37.50 Means redemption. Fifteen is five time three. The number 5 symbolizes grace and 3 symbolizes God. This is saying, by the grace of God, she was redeemed. We see also by Gods grace the remnant of Israel will be saved. We must also note that although we see in scripture that all Israel will be saved. This is speaking of the remnant because the remnant is the portion of Israel that believes in Christ Jesus.
The amount of 15 shekels was the redemption price of a slave. The barley (not made into flour) was the most valuable part of the price.
pieces of silver... Shekels. One was worth $2.50.
Lev. 27:16 "And if a man shall sanctify unto the LORD [some part] of a field of his possession, then thy estimation shall be according to the seed thereof: a homer of barley seed [shall be valued] at fifty shekels of silver."
A Homer was about 8 bushels. This homer and a 1/2 homer would have been 12 bushels of barley. Barley was thought of as the peasant's grain, because it was cheaper. Figuring this out in our money today, she brought less than 100 dollars. Perhaps, this has something to do with the fact that all who belong to God are bought and paid for. Christians are bought with the precious blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ).
Hosea’s Obedient Response
Hosea responded obediently to the Lord’s command (cf. Hos. 1:3). He bought his wife back for a substantial price. A homer and lethek of barley were probably valued together at 15 shekels (Wolff, Hosea, p. 61). So the payment with the 15 shekels of silver was equivalent to 30 shekels, the price of a slave (cf. Exo. 21:32).
The circumstances surrounding this purchase are uncertain. Whether Hosea had legally divorced Gomer is unknown. She may have become a temple prostitute or was perhaps the legal property of someone who employed her as a concubine or hired her out as a prostitute. The phrase “loved by another” (Hos. 3:1) seems to suggest she was owned by another. However, the word “another” (rēa‛, “friend, fellow citizen”) may refer to Hosea, not a paramour (cf. Jer. 3:20). The following statement concerning the Lord’s love for Israel favors this. In this case one might translate, “Love a woman who is loved by her husband, yet [is] an adulteress” (Hos. 3:1 2, NASB).
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