Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Book of Hosea Chapter 5 Vs. 2

 Punishment Coming for Israel and Judah

And the revolters are profound to make slaughter, though I have been a rebuker of them all. Hos. 5:2

And the revolters... The revolters are all those that have cast off the law of God, both in matters of religion and civil government.

profound to make... They have deeply designed a slaughter, and I will chastise them all. Dig deep to hide their counsels, or have taken deep root since their apostasy from God, and revolt from the house of David.

to make slaughter... All their religion is but a butchering of cattle, no sacrifice to God; or, which is worse, a murdering of men.

though I have... Hosea, have been a rebuker: A preacher, who ill the name and word of God have sharply inveighed against their brutish religion and their bloody slaughters.

of them all... None that have been guilty have escaped the reproof; I have declaimed against idolatrous priests and bloody usurpers, such as were in those times, Shallum, Menahem, and Pekah.

It appears, there was much opposition to going up to Jerusalem to worship. There were people, who had revolted against God, lying in wait to kill them, as they passed by Tabor and Mizpah.

A snare have ye become at Mizpeh, and a net spread out upon Tabor, and a pit have they made deep upon Shittim; but I shall be the scourge of them all.

The rebellious priesthood (rebels) had gone to great depths (are deep) as it were, to slaughter their prey (continuing the hunting imagery of Hos. 5:1), the people of Israel.

Hos. 5:2 can be taken in one of two ways. It refers either to approaching discipline (I will discipline; cf. NASB and Hos. 10:10) or to past divine efforts to correct rebellion (I have been a Rebuker of them all, KJV; cf. Amos 4:6-12). In either case discipline (mûsār) refers here to severe punishment designed to restore one to proper behavior. As such, it is an expression of love that arises out of a close relationship (cf. Pro. 3:11; 13:24; 15:5). The positive goal of the Lord’s judgment is evident (cf. Hos. 2:6-7; 5:15).