No One Knows That Day and Hour
Matthew 24:49 “And shall begin to smite [his] fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;”
shall begin... By abusing the power given him, usurping a dominion
over their faith, and imposing on their consciences things which
Christ has never commanded.
This servant was vexing and burdening them with trifling rites and ceremonies, and other unnecessary things; that was wounding, grieving, and offending weak minds by his conduct and example. And persecuting the saints, such of them as cannot come into everything in his way of believing and practicing.
eat and drink... Giving himself up to luxury and intemperance. Feeding himself instead of the family; serving his own belly, and not his Lord and Master Christ. Living an ungodly and licentious life, altogether unbecoming the Gospel of Christ.
Such servants and stewards have been, and are in the church of God; but sad will be their case, when their Lord comes, as follows. Respect seems to be had either to the ecclesiastical rulers among the Jews, who went under the name of the servants of the Lord, but persecuted the apostles, and those that believed in Christ. Or the Judaizing Christians, and false teachers, that were for imposing the ceremonies of the law upon believers.
Here is where we see the church people, and especially the ministers of God, compromising with the world. They actually are losing the holy reverence and fear that we all should have. The bible says the beginning of knowledge is fear of the Lord. The Bible is very plain as well, about not fellow shipping with the worldly.
Both offence and punishment are painted in the very darkest colours. As to the former, the servant not only neglects his duty, but beats his fellow-servants, and eats and drinks with the drunken. Here a question arises, What was there to suggest such a representation to the Saviour’s mind? Surely it could not be intended specially for those who were sitting with Him on the mount that day. If Judas was among the rest, his sin was not of the nature that would have suggested the parable in this particular form, and certainly there is no reason to suppose that any of the rest were in the slightest danger of being guilty of such cruelties and excesses as are here spoken of. Is it not plain then, that the Judge of all had in His view the dark days to come, when the clergy of a degenerate Church would be actually guilty of cruelties and excesses such as could not be more fitly set forth in parable than by the disgraceful conduct of that wicked servant?
Such a servant, concluding that his master was not returning for a long time, took advantage of others he beat his fellow servants and lived wickedly eating and drinking with drunkards.
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