Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Book of 1 John Chapter 3 Vs. 7

 Father hath Bestowed

I John 3:7 "Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous."

Little children (τεκνία)

Τεκνίον, little child, diminutive of τέκνον child, occurs in John 8:33; 1Jhn. 2:12, 2:28; 3:7, 3:18; 4:4; 5:21. This particular phrase is found only here (best texts omit my in 1Jhn. 3:18). Used as a term of affection, or possibly with reference to the writer's advanced age. Compare Christ's word, παιδία children (John 21:5) which John also uses (1Jhn. 2:13, 2:18). In the familiar story of John and the young convert who became a robber, it is related that the aged apostle repaired to the robber's haunt, and that the young man, on seeing him, took to flight. John, forgetful of his age, ran after him, crying: “O my son why dost thou fly from me thy father? Thou, an armed man, - I, an old, defenseless one! Have pity upon me! My son, do not fear! There is still hope of life for thee. I wish myself to take the burden of all before Christ. If it is necessary, I will die for thee, as Christ died for us. Stop! Believe! It is Christ who sends me.”

let no man... Seven Plain Gospel Facts

1. He was manifested to take away our sins (1Jhn. 3:5; Tit. 2:12).

2. One can not be in Christ and continue to sin (1Jhn. 3:5-6; 2Cor. 5:17).

3. Man can be as righteous as Christ in this life (1Jhn. 3:7; 4:17; Tit. 2:12).

4. Everyman who sins is of the devil (1Jhn. 3:8; John 8:44).

5. Christ came to destroy the works of the devil (1Jhn. 3:8; Mat. 8:17; Acts 10:38; John 10:10).

6. One cannot sin as long as the Word of God remains in him (1Jhn. 3:9; Rom. 6:14-23; Rom. 8:1-13).

7. All people are not children of God (1Jhn. 3:10).The word deceives means to lead astray. Since false teachers were attempting to pervert the fundamentals of the faith, the possibility existed that some Christians might be fooled into accepting what they were advocating.

Deceive (πλανάτω)

Lit., we lead ourselves astray. See on Mark 7:24; see on Mat. 27:63, 27:64; see on Jude 1:13. Not only do we err, we are responsible for it. The phrase only here in the New Testament. For the verb as applied to deceivers of various kinds, see Mat. 24:4; Rev. 2:20; 13:14; 19:20; 12:9; 20:3. Compare πλάνοι deceivers (2Jhn. 1:7); πλάνη error (Jude 1:11; 1Jhn. 4:6). Rev., better, lead astray.

To prevent this deception from occurring, John repeatedly emphasized the basics of Christianity, e.g., the need for obedience, the need for love, and the need for a proper view of Christ.

he that doeth... The genuine believer’s habitual lifestyle of righteousness stands in sharp contrast to those false teachers who practiced sin (verses 4 and 6). Since Christ died on the cross to transform sinners, those truly born again have replaced the habit of sin with the habit of righteous living (Romans 6:13-14).

Doeth righteousness (δίκαιος)

See on 1Jhn. 3:4 and compare 1Jhn. 2:29. Note the article τὴν, the righteousness, in its completeness and unity. Not merely doing righteous acts. “In his relation to other men he will do what is just; and in his relation to the gods he will do what is holy; and he who does what is just and holy cannot be other than just and holy” (Plato, “Gorgias,” 507).

even as he... Those who are truly born again reflect the divine nature of the Son. They behave like Him, manifesting the power of His life in them (Gal. 2:20).

This verse is just saying to walk in the righteousness He has provided for us daily.

These verses suggest strongly that the doctrine of the antichrists involved a confusion between sin and righteousness. Perhaps the antichrists felt free to sin while at the same time denying their guilt and claiming to behave righteously. John warned against such ideas: Do not let anyone lead you astray. (The Gr. verb lead astray, planaō, used also in 1Jhn. 2:26, is the same word rendered deceive in 1Jhn. 1:8.) He who does what is right is righteous, just as He is righteous (cf. 1Jhn. 1:9; 2:1, 2:29). Only righteousness springs from a righteous nature.