Thursday, March 18, 2021

Daniel Chapter 11 Vs. 25

 The Kings of the South and the North

Daniel 11:25 "And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him."

he shall stir... After much preparation Antiochus Epiphanes finally made war on Egypt and was victorious. Ptolemy was taken prisoner. Antiochus then had himself crowned king of Egypt (171-167 B.C.).

for they shall... This refers to using means of corruption to turn away from Ptolemy certain key men who helped defeat Egypt. They that were fed by Ptolemy were corrupted by Antiochus and caused the fall of Egypt (Dan. 11:26).

The king of the south is speaking of the king of Egypt. The leader of the war against Egypt, here, is Epiphenes {Antiochus}. In this battle, they advance as far as Memphis.

Antiochus attacked Philometer, who had become an enemy. The latter fell due to treachery by trusted supporters, v.26a, and became Antiochus’ captive.

After Antiochus consolidated his kingdom, he moved against Egypt, the king of the South, in 170. Antiochus was able to move his army from his homeland to the very border of Egypt before he was met by the Egyptian army at Pelusium near the Nile Delta.