Monday, June 6, 2022

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 4 Vs. 2

The Temptation of Jesus


Verses 2-3: Jesus had “fasted forty days and forty nights,” a remarkable feat of human endurance, indicating the physical strength of the former carpenter. While the three major tests followed this period, other tests evidently had occurred throughout the 40 days (Luke 4:2).

His real physical hunger serves as the setting for the first temptation by the “tempter” (Satan). The conditional clause, “If thou be the Son of God,” indicates Matthew’s purpose for including this record of Jesus’ victory: it proves that He is, in fact, the Son of God!

Matthew 4:2 “And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered.”

forty days and... The 40 days come in before the events of John 1:19-2:1.

Four Men Fasted for Forty Days:

1. Moses (Deut. 9:9, 9:18, 9:25; 10:10)

2. Joshua (Exo. 24:13-18; 32:15-17)

3. Elijah (1Kgs. 19:7-18)

4. Jesus (Mat. 4:1-11; Luke 1:1-22)

afterward an hungered... Hunger always leaves after a few days of fast and returns after a long fast of about 40 days or when all toxic poisons have been expelled from the body. The breath at this time becomes as sweet as a baby’s. Any normal healthy person can fast this long without any harm. Starvation only begins after hunger returns in such cases. One must use water in long fasts and break the fast gradually.

All temptation comes when we are at our weakest point, and when we are alone (usually). In the case of Jesus, here, the devil realized that Jesus had not eaten for forty days. He tempted Jesus at this point of need.

Similarly, Moses was without food or drink on Sinai for “forty days and forty nights” (Deut. 9:9), and Elijah also fasted that long (1Kgs. 19:8).

What the devil was not aware of is that Jesus (or anyone else for that matter) is much stronger when they are fasting. God miraculously feeds the inner man. During a fast to God, I seldom get hungry. It is only when I fast to lose weight, that I nearly starve.

Take note of the 40 here: (time of testing). With every test (if we depend on Jesus Christ our Lord), there is a way out.

After fasting 40 days, when the Lord was hungry, the tests began. From God’s standpoint the tests demonstrated the quality of the Lord. It was impossible for the divine Son to sin, and that fact actually heightened the tests. He could not give in to the tests and sin, but He had to endure until the tests were completed.