Monday, April 8, 2024

Book of 1 John Chapter 2 Vs. 22

 Warning Concerning Antichrists

1 John 2:22 "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son."

Who is a... Question 1. Next, 1Jhn. 3:12.

A liar (ὁ ψεύστης)

Rev., correctly, the liar. For a similar interrogative phrase see 1Jhn. 5:5. It marks the lively feeling with which the apostle writes. By the definite article, the liar, the lie is set forth in its concrete personality: the one who impersonates all that is false, as antichrist represents every form of hostility and opposition to Christ. The denial that Jesus is the Christ is the representative falsehood. He that denies is the representative liar.

that Jesus is... Three false doctrines of that day:

1. That Jesus is not the Christ.

2. That God is not the Father of Jesus.

3. That Jesus is not the Son of God.

The Jews and the Gnostics in particular denied the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus Christ. They considered Him a common man, the son of Joseph and Mary (Mat. 13:55-57; Mark 6:3).

He is antichrist... Anti means against. To deny Jesus brings death to the one who denies. Jesus is Life and Truth. Christ interchanges with Messiah. These that John is speaking to, then are possibly those looking for Messiah, and did not recognize Him in Jesus. To deny the Son, is to deny the Father who sent Him.

He that denieth (ὁ ἀρνούμενος)

The article with the participle denotes the habitual denial. Lit., the one denying, the one who habitually represents this attitude towards Christ. The words are aimed at the heresy of Cerinthus, a man of Jewish decent and educated at Alexandria. He denied the miraculous conception of Jesus, and taught that, after His baptism, the Christ descended upon Him in the form of a dove, and that He then announced the unknown Father and wrought miracles; but that, towards the end of His ministry, the Christ departed again from Jesus, and Jesus suffered and rose from the dead, while the Christ remained impassible (incapable of suffering) as a spiritual being.

Literally, the liar: He is the epitome of a lying deceiver who claims to represent Christianity as John’s opponents, probably Gnostics, were doing, but who accords Jesus Christ less than His full due as Savior and coequal partner with the Father.

These should be sobering words for modern understandings of religion and Christianity which deny Christ His scriptural status by making Him less than fully divine.

The Father

The title the Father occurs always in its simple form in the Epistle. Never his or our Father, or the Father in heaven.

The antichrists are liars for they deny that Jesus is the Christ, that is, God’s Son and the appointed Savior (cf. John 4:29, 4:42; 20:31). Could this be the Christ? she asked them. More literally, her question was, This couldn’t be the Messiah, could it? The question expected a tentative negative answer. She framed the question this way, in all probability, because she knew the people would not respond favorably to a dogmatic assertion from a woman, especially one of her reputation. Just as Jesus had captured her attention by curiosity, so she raised the people’s curiosity. They decided to investigate this matter.