Friday, September 20, 2024

Book of Joel Chapter 3 Vs. 14

 The Lord Judges the Nations

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. Joel 3:14

Multitudes, multitudes in... An innumerable host will be assembled in the valley of decision (also called the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Joel 3:2, 3:12). Here the divine Judge’s verdict will be executed on the nations.



hāmôn, הָמַן


    I. A masculine noun denoting a multitude, noise, tumult. It often describes the sound or tumult of a crowd of people (2Kgs. 7:13; Psm. 65:7, 8; Isa. 13:4; 33:3; Dan. 10:6) or of a city (Isa. 5:14; 32:14; Eze. 26:13) or of an army or troop (1Sam. 14:19; 2Sam. 18:29). But it also describes the roar of nature in the rain (1Kgs. 18:41) or the rumbling of chariot wheels (Jer. 47:3). It especially is used of the tumult and roar of huge multitudes: great armies (Jdg. 4:7; 1Sam. 14:16; 1Kgs. 20:13, 20:28); an entire nation (2Sam. 6:19; Isa. 5:13). In general usage, it also indicates wealth (Psm. 37:16) and a great supply or mass of things (1Chr. 29:16; 2Chr. 31:10; Jer. 49:32).

II. A verb indicating to multiply. It indicates the multiplication of the people of Israel (Eze. 5:7; KJV, NKJV) and Jerusalem.

III. A verb meaning to be in turmoil. It depicts the turmoil and tumult of Israel (Eze. 5:7; NASB, NIV, NKJV).

in the valley...



I. A masculine noun designating a valley, a plain. It refers to a vale, a valley, a lowland, the opposite of hilly or mountainous land. It is used of this kind of land in general (Isa. 22:7; Jer. 31:40). It is used of the Jordan Valley area (Jos. 13:19, 13:27). It was a place where chariotry would be used in battle (Jos. 17:16). Many specific places have names featuring ‛ēmeq, valley, e.g., the Valley of Siddim, the Valley of the King, etc. (Gen. 14:17).

of decision...



I. An adjective meaning sharp, diligent. The word means industrious, diligent, referring to diligent or industrious persons who therefore succeed (Prov. 10:4; 13:4; 21:5); and even supervise or rule (Prov. 12:24). Diligence is considered a precious or valuable possession (Prov. 12:27). It indicates a sharp threshing sledge or cart (Isa. 28:27; 41:15; Amos 1:3). It is used in a comparison to describe aspects of Levia-than's underside (Job 41:30, 22).

II. A masculine noun indicating a decision. It is used in the phrase ‛ēmeq heḥārûṣ to refer to the valley of decision by the prophet Joel (Joel 3:14; 4:14), where the nations will gather for war and judgment.

III. A masculine noun indicating a moat. It refers to a channel of water around a city, especially Jerusalem (Dan. 9:25). It was dug and filled in for defensive purposes.

IV. A masculine noun denoting gold. It refers to the golden wings of a dove in a simile (Psm. 68:13,14). Wisdom is always considered of greater value than gold (Prov. 3:14; 8:19; 16:16); as is knowledge (Prov. 8:10). The pagan city-state of Tyre piled up gold as her treasure (Zec. 9:3).

for the day... These multitudes are the heathen armies of many nations that are judged in the valley and found guilty as charged. God, Himself, destroys them.



A masculine noun meaning day, time, year. This word stands as the most basic conception of time in the Old Testament. It designates such wide-ranging elements as the daylight hours from sunrise to sunset (Gen. 1:5; 1Kgs. 19:4); a literal twenty-four-hour cycle (Deut. 16:8; 2Kgs. 25:30); a generic span of time (Gen. 26:8; Num. 20:15); a given point in time (Gen. 2:17; 47:29; Eze. 33:12). In the plural, the word may also mean the span of life (Psm. 102:3, 4) or a year (Lev. 25:29; 1Sam. 27:7). The prophets often infuse the word with end-times meanings or connotations, using it in connection with a future period of consequential events, such as the day of the LORD (Jer. 46:10; Zec. 14:1) or simply, that day (Isa. 19:23; Zec. 14:20-21).

the day of the Lord...



A noun meaning God. The word refers to the proper name of the God of Israel, particularly the name by which He revealed Himself to Moses (Exo. 6:2-3). The divine name has traditionally not been pronounced, primarily out of respect for its sacredness (cf. Exo. 20:7; Deut. 28:58). Until the Renaissance, it was written without vowels in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, being rendered as YHWH. However, since that time, the vowels of another word, aḏōnāy, have been supplied in hopes of reconstructing the pronunciation. Although the exact derivation of the name is uncertain, most scholars agree that its primary meaning should be understood in the context of God's existence, namely, that He is the "I AM THAT I AM" (Exo. 3:14), the One who was, who is, and who always will be (cf. Rev. 11:17). Older translations of the Bible and many newer ones employ the practice of rendering the divine name in capital letters, so as to distinguish it from other Hebrew words. It is most often rendered as LORD (Gen. 4:1; Deut. 6:18; Psm. 18:31, 32; Jer. 33:2; Jon. 1:9) but also as GOD (Gen. 6:5; 2Sam. 12:22) or JEHOVAH (Psm. 83:18,19]; Isa. 26:4). The frequent appearance of this name in relation to God's redemptive work underscores its tremendous importance (Lev. 26:45; Psm. 19:14,15). Also, it is sometimes compounded with another word to describe the character of the Lord in greater detail (see Gen. 22:14, Exo. 17:15; Jdg. 6:24).

is near...


qārôḇ, קָרֹב


An adjective meaning near, close by, closely related. It indicates nearness in time or space: something is about to happen, is near at hand, e.g., judgment, calamity (Deut. 32:35); (not) near at hand, a prophetic fulfillment (Num. 24:17); a fool's destruction is not far off (Prov. 10:14). It refers to the imminent coming of God's Day of judgment (Zeph. 1:7, 1:14); to a town that is close by (Gen. 19:20). Joseph lived near the area of Pharaoh's habitation (Gen. 45:10). It is used of a neighbor's house (Exo. 12:4); or indicates a road nearby (Exo. 13:17). It is used in a figurative sense of a person's coming near to listen to words of wisdom (Ecc. 5:1; 4:17). It indicates a relationship, a relative (Exo. 32:27; Num. 27:11; 2Sam. 19:42, 43); among humans, but also a relationship to God (Lev. 10:3; 1Kgs. 8:46, 8:59; Psm. 119:151). It refers to a friend (Psm. 15:3).

valley of decision...This location is the same as the valley of Jehoshaphat where the sentence of judgment will be carried out (3:2, 12). Same as above.

This is synonymous with the valley of Jehoshaphat (verse 2). The scene is not one where the multitudes are in the midst of making a decision in favor of the Lord and repenting of their sin. Rather, the decision is made by God, a decision to judge the multitudes for their treatment of Judah and Jerusalem!

This judgment will be meted out against them in the Day of the Lord that takes place in the Great Tribulation.

An innumerable host will be assembled in the valley of decision (also called the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Joel 3:2, 3:12). Here the divine Judge’s verdict will be executed on the nations.