God Is Love
1 John 4:11 "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another."God's sending His Son gives Christians not only salvation privilege, but obligation to follow this pattern of sacrificial love. Christians love must be self sacrificing like God's love.
God taught us by example the unselfish love that we need to have for each other. If the world today needs one thing, it is love. Take the time to hug someone and say you love them today. Let the love that God has showed you shine through you and make someone else's life a little brighter.
In those days the intense ferment of men’s minds wrought many delusions and heresies which were fraught with temptation to young converts, and the Apostle wished to give tests for determining which voice spake from God. The confession of Jesus Christ as the Incarnate Word, a spirit of love and gentleness, and the willingness to abide in the doctrine of the Apostles, were signs that the speaker was commissioned by Christ.
Wouldst thou overcome the world? Let Christ enter, and the world will have no charms for thee. There is only one source of pure, divine love, and wherever that love is present, you know that the possessor has found its source in God. God’s love is absolutely selfless. He loves the unloving to make them love, putting away their sin and perfecting their union with Himself.
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