My Sheep
Hear My Voice
Jesus was crucified He told the disciples to watch and pray,
something so simple, but they let their physical bodies take over and
they fell back asleep. In these last hours of time you need to hear
His voice. When He tells you something, it is very important, but
most ignore my voice or just discuss it and go on with what they were
doing. You will see many things start to happen shortly and if you do
not hear and obey His voice,... it will mean death for some of
you....Jesus has only your best interest in mind. Christ knows you
heart, and if you are truly His you will hear His voice. He awakes
many of you at 3am on the dot, but most will roll over and go back to
sleep. There are a few who will get up and pray. Your day is filled
with so many things and Jesus is the last thing many of you give your
time to. But Christ needs to talk to you,... to fellowship with you
and only when you are still and quite (3am) can you hear Him,... the
rest of your day is so busy you do not have time for Him,... but you
need to make time, for time is short and the Lord has instructions
for you.
Chapter 11
Temple of God and the Two Witnesses
Rev. 11:1-13)
parenthetical passage includes from (Rev. 10:1-11:13) continues with
the measuring of the temple of God and the revelation of the two
witnesses, who will be on earth the last three and one-half years of
Daniel's Seventieth Week.
Temple of God
there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood,
saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them
that worship therein. (Rev. 11:1.
me a...
A measuring reed was about 12 1/2 feet long (cp. Rev. 21:15-16). It
was like a rod or sceptre as in Rev. 2:27; 12:5; 19:15.
and measure...
This is measuring for chastening, not building, as in 2Sa. 7:14; Psm.
2:9; 89:32; Isa. 11:4; Lam. 2:8; Eze. 20:37; 1Co. 4:21.
it is clear that Rev. 11:1-14 continues the parenthetical section
begun in Rev. 10:1, an amazing variation of interpretations of this
portion of Scripture have been offered.
best guideline to follow in interpreting this section is to take each
fact literally. In line with this principle, a literal temple will be
in existence during the Great Tribulation, and the city should be
considered the literal city Jerusalem in keeping with its
identification in Rev. 11:8. The time periods of 42 months (Rev.
11:2) and three and one-half days (Rev. 11:9, Rev. 11:11) again
should be considered literally. The earthquake will kill literally
7,000 individuals, and the two witnesses should be considered as two
individual men.
a rod... This was a hollow, bamboo-like cane plant that grew in the
Jordan Valley. Because if its light weight and rigidity, it was
commonly used as a measuring rod (compare Ezek. 40:3, 5). Measuring
the temple signified God’s ownership of it (compare 21:15; Zech.
angel is telling John to take a measurement of the temple and the
people. We read (in Ezekiel 40:5), that this reed is twelve and a
half feet long (six cubits). This seems to be a similar message in
Ezekiel to the one here in Revelation.
temple of... Refers to the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place, not the
entire temple complex (compare verse 2). A rebuilt temple will exist
during the time of the Tribulation (Dan. 9:27; 12:11; Matt. 24:15; 2
Thess. 2:4).
statement about the "temple … and them that worship therein."
is speaking of the true believers in the tribulation who collectively
make up the temple (body of Christ).
the altar... The reference to worshipers suggests this is the bronze
altar in the courtyard, not the incense altar in the Holy Place,
since only the priests were permitted inside the Holy Place (compare
Luke 1:8-10).
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