Friday, November 15, 2019

My Sheep Hear My Voice- Rev. 12:17

My Sheep Hear My Voice- Rev. 12:17

Before Jesus was crucified He told the disciples to watch and pray, something so simple, but they let their physical bodies take over and they fell back asleep. In these last hours of time you need to hear His voice. When He tells you something, it is very important, but most ignore my voice or just discuss it and go on with what they were doing. You will see many things start to happen shortly and if you do not hear and obey His voice,... it will mean death for some of you....Jesus has only your best interest in mind. Christ knows you heart, and if you are truly His you will hear His voice. He awakes many of you at 3am on the dot, but most will roll over and go back to sleep. There are a few who will get up and pray. Your day is filled with so many things and Jesus is the last thing many of you give your time to. But Christ needs to talk to you,... to fellowship with you and only when you are still and quite (3am) can you hear Him,... the rest of your day is so busy you do not have time for Him,... but you need to make time, for time is short and the Lord has instructions for you.

    The Remnant of the Woman
"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ" (Rev. 12:17).
remnant of her... The remnant of Israel who do not flee from Judea into the wilderness when the main body of the nation does. Satan will turn his frustrated rage against every follower of the Lamb he can find, Jew or Gentile. This really angers Satan. He cannot get to Jesus, as we said before, so he is venting his anger on the followers of Jesus. Notice here that there is only a remnant left that has not fallen for the devil’s false doctrine. A remnant means a very small portion that is left. The word remnant is never used of the church or Gentiles (Isa. 1:9, refs.).
which keep the... They are not saved when the 144,000 are translated as the man-child before this war on Israel (Rev. 12:5; 14:1-5). Every one whose name is in the book of life in Israel will go at that time (Rev. 7:1-3; 14:1-5; Dan. 12:1). These will have turned to God and believed on Jesus Christ after seeing the 144,000 Jewish Christians instantly missing from the earth. You see here, that this small portion (remnant), of Christians are keeping God's commandants, and even though the opposition has been great
testimony of Jesus... This means the spirit of prophecy, proving that the remnant who turn to God and believe on Jesus Christ receive the Holy Spirit (Rev. 19:10). The Holy Spirit will not be taken from the world at any time (John 14:16; Acts 2:16-21; Zec. 12:10-13:1; etc.). You see here, they still have given the testimony of Jesus Christ. These two names (Jesus and Christ), together mean The Savior, the Anointed One.
The revealed truth from God and Christ contained in Scripture. Obedience to God’s Word always marks a genuine believer (compare John 8:32).
Notice here that there is only a remnant who have not fallen for the devil’s false doctrine. A remnant means a very small portion that is left. You can easily see here that what we were talking about before is true. You see here, that this small portion (remnant), of Christians are keeping God's commandants, and even though the opposition has been great, they still have given the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Though only one-third of Israel in the land is thus preserved (of which the 144,000 of Rev. 7:1-17 are a portion), Satan the dragon continues to war against the rest.
Rev. 12:1-17 introduces four important persons and one group of people living at the end time: Israel, Satan, Christ, the archangel, and the remnant of Israel. In Rev. 13:1-18 two important persons complete the scene.