Saturday, November 2, 2019

My Sheep Hear My Voice-Rev. 12:9

My Sheep Hear My Voice-Rev. 12:9

Before Jesus was crucified He told the disciples to watch and pray, something so simple, but they let their physical bodies take over and they fell back asleep. In these last hours of time you need to hear His voice. When He tells you something, it is very important, but most ignore my voice or just discuss it and go on with what they were doing. You will see many things start to happen shortly and if you do not hear and obey His voice,... it will mean death for some of you....Jesus has only your best interest in mind. Christ knows you heart, and if you are truly His you will hear His voice. He awakes many of you at 3am on the dot, but most will roll over and go back to sleep. There are a few who will get up and pray. Your day is filled with so many things and Jesus is the last thing many of you give your time to. But Christ needs to talk to you,... to fellowship with you and only when you are still and quite (3am) can you hear Him,... the rest of your day is so busy you do not have time for Him,... but you need to make time, for time is short and the Lord has instructions for you.

Satan Thrown Down to Earth

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev 12:9
And the great... Here we see several names for the Devil. Notice we are told here, that the serpent that tricked Eve was the devil as well. You can call him by any name you want to. If whatever you call him is evil, it is the devil or his handiwork. Here we see that he deceiveth (is continually deceiving), the whole world. That does not include the believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in this world, but we are not of this world. Over and over we are told that everyone except the elect of the Lord will be deceived.
that old serpent... Satan and his demons were cast out of heaven at the time of their original rebellion, but still have access to it (compare Job 1:6; 2:1). That access will then be denied, and they will be forever barred from heaven.
Devil, and Satan... (compare 20:2). “Devil” comes from a Greek verb meaning “to slander” or “to falsely accuse”. He is a malignant liar (John 8:44, 1 John 3:8). His accusations against believers (verse 10), are unsuccessful because of Christ our Advocate (1 John 2:1). Satan, meaning “adversary”, or “enemy”, and appears especially in Job and the gospels.
which deceiveth the... This is Satan’s chief business (Mat. 13:19; 2Cor. 4:4; 11:14-15; 2Th. 2:8-12). As he has throughout human history, Satan will deceive people during the Tribulation (compare 13:14; 20:3; John 8:44). After his temporary release from the bottomless pit at the end of the Millennium, he will briefly resume his deceitful ways (20:8, 10).
The evil one is given four designations:
(1) Dragon pictures his monstrous character as the enemy of God;
(2) Serpent connects him with the clever deception of Eve (in Genesis 3);
(3) Devil means "slanderer" (verse 10);
(4) Satan means "Adversary" (1 Pet. 5:8).
He also deceiveth the whole world (20:8).
The devil is the very one who brings in the "feel good" religion. Beware, he is a destroyer, he appealed to Eve's flesh and destroyed her. The flesh is at war with the Spirit. Do not listen to the flesh.

Though Satan was defeated at the first coming of Christ (John 16:11), his execution was delayed and is in stages. Here (Rev. 12:8-9) he will be cast out of heaven in the middle of the Tribulation. Later he will be bound for the duration of the millennial kingdom (Rev. 20:1-3). The devil will finally be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur (Rev. 20:10) where the world ruler (Antichrist) and the false prophet will have been cast a thousand years earlier.
Satan and his activities in heaven and earth opposed Christ as Priest in heaven, as King in Satan’s world rule in the Great Tribulation, and as the true Prophet by advancing the beast out of the earth (Rev. 13:11), who was the false prophet (Rev. 20:10). Satan was identified as that ancient serpent, alias the devil or Satan, and was declared to be the one who led the whole world astray. When he will be cast into the earth, all the fallen angels or demons will be cast down with him.