Sunday, January 1, 2023

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 24 Vs. 33

 The Lesson of the Fig Tree

Matthew 24:33 “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, [even] at the doors.”

ye shall see... Signs are indications that Christ is about to return to earth. Technically, they refer to the revelation of Christ, and not the Rapture. There are obvious signs during the seven year Tribulation before the revelation, but there are no signs that precede the Rapture.

However, there are conditions that suggest the Rapture will happen soon. No one will ever know the date of Jesus’ return until He comes. Still there are certain things happening in our world to suggest that His return may be very close. These are:

1. Israel’s return to the Promised Land;

2. The obvious accelerations of lawlessness;

3. Increase of apostasy (1Tim. 4:1);

4. The sociology-religious climate preparing for the one world church; and

5. The rapid acceleration of life-threatening conditions – such as potential atomic annihilation, population explosion, and pollution, that require Christ’s return before events run their natural course and terminate the world.

Paul listed certain conditions which, though true in every age, appear to be more prevalent today (2Tim. 3:1-5).

it is near,... The second coming, not the rapture, which is not once referred to in Matthew 24-25. There are no signs of the rapture for it is itself one of the greatest signs of the second coming. There are no prophecies to be fulfilled before the rapture for it could have taken place any time in the past or can take place any time in the future without any sign or prophecy coming to pass (Tit. 2:13; Phlp. 3:20-21). All signs of the coming of Christ point to the second coming and not the rapture. There will be at least seven years between the two events. The rapture is not the second coming, nor one phase or stage of it, for Christ does not come to the earth at that time. He meets the saints in the air and takes them back to heaven (1Thes. 2:19; 3:13; Rev. 19:1-11). The saints stay in heaven with Him for these years and then return to the earth at the second coming (Zec. 14:5; Jude 1:14; Rev. 19:11-21).

The Christians in Thessalonica lived in expectation of Christ’s imminent return, just as all Christians ought to live today.

The fig tree is symbolic of the house of Israel. You remember that was what was meant when Jesus cursed the fig tree. So this was talking about when Israel lives again. The blooming means to me is when Israel became a nation in 1948.

Here this Scripture is saying, when you see Israel reunited and become a nation again, know that the coming of the Lord is near. In fact, even at the door.

The Lord’s emphasis fell on the fact that all these things would be necessary. While various events throughout history have been pointed to as the fulfillment of this prophecy, clearly all these things pertaining to the Great Tribulation have never occurred. The completion of all these events is yet future.