As for Samaria, her king is cut off as the foam upon the water. Hos. 10:7
her king is... After three years’ siege she shall be cut off. Her king is cut off; for all the rest of the kingdom was lost, and now he is pent up there also. He that was once the confidence of the ten tribes, and king of a mighty people, is now spoiled of all but one city, where he is rather a prisoner than a king, kept close till made a captive.
cut off as... Shortly will be cut off; it is not unlikely this prophecy should be delivered when Samaria was besieged.
as the foam... As a contemptible, weak, and light thing: it is a proverb, and foretells how contemptibly the Assyrians should use them.
The foam on the water would be skimmed off and done away with. This is speaking of the king being of no use to his captors.
Undone Samaria! Her king like chip on the face of the waters! This may refer to one of the revolutions in which the king was murdered. But it seems more appropriate to the final catastrophe of 724-21: the fall of the kingdom, and the king’s banishment to Assyria. If the latter, the verse has been inserted; but the following verse would lead us to take these disasters as still future.
Israel’s king (cf. Hos. 10:3, 10:15), as well as her calf-idol, would be removed in the coming invasion. Float away (dāmâh) is literally, be destroyed (cf. Hos. 4:5-6; 10:15 where NIV translates the same word as destroy). Like a twig floating on the… waters the nation would be swept away by the current and brought to ruin.
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