Saturday, May 27, 2023

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 25 Vs. 38

The Final Judgment

Matthew 25:38 “When saw we thee a stranger, and took [thee] in? or naked, and clothed [thee]?”

When saw we... As they had never seen Him hungry and thirsty, in His own person, though He was both in the days of His flesh and were ministered to. Both by angels, and by good women out of their substance.

They had never seen Him a stranger and took Him into their houses; yet they had, seen Him hungry and thirsty, and as a stranger in his members, and had done these good deeds to Him in them, and to them for His sake.

or naked, and... For so Christ in person never was, until stripped of his raiment by the soldiers, and officers. But they had seen many of His poor saints without clothing, and had covered their nakedness.

There are those who, looking at this conversation in the most superficial way, find in it the doctrine of salvation by works, and imagine that they are warranted on the strength of this passage to set aside all that is written in other parts of Scripture as to the necessity of change of heart, to dismiss from their minds all concern about creed or worship, about doctrine or sacraments or church membership. Be kind to the poor-that will do instead of everything else.

Again, The King’s statement will prompt the sheep to respond that they do not recall ever having ministered directly to the King (Mat. 25:37-39).