The Interpretation of the Vision
sought for the... Daniel, as usual, sought for the true meaning of his vision so as to pass on to us a picture of world events at the end time. Gabriel was sent to give him the interpretation, and no man has a right to interpret the interpretation. He has only the right to comment upon it and relate facts to counteract the many false interpretations about it.
as the appearance... All angels have the appearance of a man Appearances of Angels to Men). God also has the same kind of appearance (Eze. 1:26-27), for man was made physically in the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26-28; 9:6; Jas. 3:9).
Notice, this was not a man. He appeared to be a man. Daniel was seeking an interpretation of this dream, or vision, from God.
The word for man meaning “a mighty man” is the linguistic framework for “Gabriel,” which means “mighty one of God.” This is the first mention of an angel by name in the Bible.
Gabriel’s intervention
Once again Daniel, though able to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams (Dan. 2:1-49; 4:1-37), could not interpret this dream (cf. Dan. 7:16). Gabriel was sent to interpret the meaning of the vision to Daniel.
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