Vision of the Ram and the He-goat
This is another vision of Daniel. It is not the same as the vision in chapter 7. The last vision was of the end times. This vision deals with Media, Persia, and Greece leading up to the end times.
With chapter 8, the text originally recorded in Hebrew, the Chaldee section (2:4-7:28) having been completed. This is appropriate since the rest of the book is concerned with God’s program for Israel.
This vision came two years latter than the one in chapter 7, giving additional information on some questions. Each vision was complete in itself, but both helpful to an understanding of the whole truth of the future.
The Vision
The preparation
The vision recorded by Daniel in Dan. 8:1-27 came to him two years after the vision of Dan. 7:1-28 (cf. Belshazzar’s third year, Dan. 8:1, with his “first year,” Dan. 7:1).
The vision was at the end of the reign Belshazzar which corresponds to the time of the handwriting on the wall of Chapter 5, for he only reigned a little more than two years.
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