Saturday, March 30, 2019

Daniel's Rise and Fall of Empires

Daniel's Rise and Fall of Empires
Kings of the South and the North
Daniel 11:23 "And after the league [made] with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people."
after the league made... This has to do with Epiphanes receiving the throne. This has nothing to do with power, but is trickery in action. The agreement between Antiochus Epiphanes and Jason was broken and Antiochus put wicked Menelaus in the position of high priest because he offered him more money than Jason did. Thus he acted deceitfully in his agreement with Jason (Dan. 11:22).
for he shall... This refers to his coming back from Rome where he had been a hostage for the payment of the tax laid on his father. On his return Antiochus found but few to espouse his cause of becoming king, for the people were divided among many claimants to the throne. Antiochus developed an alliance with Ptolemy VI Euergetes II (distinct from the leader in v.7). By this alliance, Antiochus deceitfully plotted to gain greater power in Egypt. With a “small force,” he conquered Memphis and the rest of Egypt all the way to Alexandria. Being supported by the king of Pergamos and his brother, his few followers increased until he became strong enough to get the throne.