Monday, March 11, 2019



As we study the scriptures we find that all the purposes of God the Father are fulfilled in His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the central theme of the bible. Ref. Jon 5: 39-40 and 46-47.

The Old Testament Genesis to Malachi tells of the Savior who was to come.

We have reference to the King of Salem (Jerusalem) meaning “peace”. Ref. Gen. 14: 17-20, this is the first mention of Jerusalem in the scriptures. It's existence as early as this is evidenced by the Tell el Amarna tablets discovered at Tell el Amarna in Egypt. These tablets are letters between the kings of Egypt in the 15th century B.C. And various rulers in Palestine and elsewhere.

We see here in these versus at the time of Abrams calling (God the Father setting up the Hebrew Nation) that the Gentiles population has a king named Melchizedek whose name means righteousness, a king and priest of the God Most High. (This is the first mention of the word Priest in scripture). As a king and priest of the God Most High in Hebrew El Elyon meaning “God The Highest”. This is the first mention of this name for God the Father in scripture.

Abram returning from his victory over confederate kings is met by Melchizedek, King of Salem, Priest of God Most High who blesses Abram in the name of El Elyon, “possessor of heaven and earth”. This revelation produced a remarkable impression upon the patriarch. As not only did he “Abram” at once give Melchizedek “a tenth of the spoil of the battle but Abram recognized Melchizedek as his spiritual superior, and accepted a blessing from him. I shows how UN-threatened and humble Abram was, even after his victory over the confederate kings and he “Abram” recognized that Gods revelation was not limited to him.

We have the contrast of this in vs. 21-24 of Genesis 14 with the king of Sodom “Bera” this ruler also came before Abram and asked of Abram for the people. The king of Sodom is the evil brought before Abram he wants the souls as the Devil does to destroy. We see that Abram kept nothing of Sodom as he “Abram” wanted the fulfillment of Gods miraculous and enduring promise. Faith looks beyond the riches of this world to the grander prospects God has in store.

We know little more of the dealing with the Gentile Nations except what is written in the history books we read. We know some from scripture about the king of Salem as to genealogy as Hebrews 7: 3 says he is without father and mother having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, he abide a priest perpetually. We know from scripture there is a successor to Melchizedek as the king of Jerusalem (Salem) named Adoni-zedek. Ref. Josh. 10: 1-3. Adoni-zedek means “lord of righteousness”. He apparently falls from grace as all peoples and nations seem to do.

In Psalms king David tells us of a future happening. Ref. Psm. 110: 1-7

Vs. 1 The Heavenly Father tells our Lord Jesus “Sit at My right hand” until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy feet. This affirms the Deity of Jesus, thus answering those who deny the full divine meaning of His New Testament title of Lord. Ref. Mt. 22: 41-45, Mk. 12: 35-37, Lk. 20: 41-44, Acts 2: 34,35, Heb. 1: 13, 10: 12,13. Historically Psalm 110 begins with the ascension of Christ, Ref. Jon. 20: 17, Acts 7: 56, Rev. 3: 21. And ends with Christs second coming, Ref. Is. 9: 7, Deut. 30: 3, Acts 1: 11.

Vs. 2 God the Father will stretch forth our Lords rulership from Zion saying Rule in the midst of Thine enemies until the consummation of the ages, Ref. Heb. 1: 8. Eternal throne. But of the Son He says, “Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever and the righteous scepter is the scepter of His Kingdom”. Referencing the Millennium.

Vs. 3 Others will accompany our Lord willingly offering themselves to take part in His battle. This righteous judgment will be poured out on the wicked. Holiness is the required adornment. The youthful warriors are compared to the dew of the morning. Our Lords servants will have made freewill offerings to Him and will be adorned in holiness and appear suddenly with youthful vigor.

Vs. 4 God the Father has affirmed by oath that our Lord will be a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. King David here is telling us as does Heb. 7: 14-17 that our Lord is the priest of another order and is that ancient unity to God the Father we reviewed from the time of Abram. He is the priest/king in one person who is reunited in our Lord at His ascension to the right hand of the Father.

Vs. 5-7 Here king David anticipates as we do the glorious victory of the Lord at His second coming. Our Lord sits at the right hand of our God and Father the place of authority. When the King/Priest comes He will defeat (crush) kings and judge nations. Ref. Rev. 16: 16, 19: 13-15, Joel 3: 2, 11-14. His refreshing Himself with a drink along the way pictures His renewed vigor in battle, and His lifting of His head speaks of His being exalted.

We know Christ Jesus was born of a virgin by the scriptures. Ref. Lk. 2: 1-20. Born in Bethlehem in a manger because He was born to be a servant to the world out of the servant in His humanity His destiny would be to become Savior of the world because He would be rejected by His people. They would have nothing to do with His priest/king relationship with them for the time being things will change in the future.

If He was not to be rejected He would have been born and raised in Herod's temple had the finest of everything until the appointed time of His royal Priest/Kingship and then He would rule the world from that point on until He handed over the rulership to God the Father at the appointed time.

We know why Christ came according to the scriptures. Ref. Heb. 2: 9-18.

We see here that Christ completely satisfied the just demands of a holy God for judgment on sin by His death on the cross. God foreseeing the cross is declared righteous in forgiving sins in the Old Testament period as well as in justifying sinners under the new covenant. Ref. Rom. 3: 25,26, Ex. 29: 33. Propitiation is not placating a vengeful God but, rather, it is satisfying the righteousness of a holy God, thereby making it possible for Him to show mercy righteously. Out of this we know by the scriptures that Christ became our substitute and suffered for the many. Ref. Isa. 53: 1-12. For we know out of His suffering on the cross He brought salvation to all that believe. Ref. Phil. 2: 5-13.

The believer now has deliverance, safety, preservation, healing and soundness:

Salvation's three tenses:

  1. The christian has been saved from the guilt and penalty of sin Ref. Lk. 7: 50, 1Cor. 1: 18, and is safe in Christs love.
  2. The christian is being saved from the habit and dominion of sin. Ref. Rom. 6: 14, 8: 2, 2 Cor. 3: 18.
  3. The christian will be saved at the Lords return from all bodily infirmities that are the result of sin and Gods curse upon the world. Ref. Rom. 8: 18-23, 1 Cor. 15: 42-44 and brought into entire conformity to Christ. Ref. Rom. 13: 11, Heb. 10: 36.

Salvation is by grace through faith is a free gift and wholly without works. Ref. Rom. 3: 27,28, 4: 1-8, 6: 23, Eph. 2: 8. The divine order is first salvation then works as the Lord leads you through. Ref. Eph. 2: 9,10, Titus 3: 5-8.

As Christ suffered on the cross to deliver all the world from death to eternal life we know this was accomplished through His resurrection per the scriptures. Ref. Lk. 24: 36-48.

We see here that the Psalms contain a testimony to Christ and our Lord Himself affirms in these scriptures.

1. Christ is seen in the Psalms in two general aspects:
As suffering Psalms 22, and entering into His kingdom glory Psalms 2 and 24 Ref. Also Lk. 24: 25-27.
2. Christ is seen in His person as (a) Son of God Psalm 2: 7 and very God Psalm 45: 6,7, 102: 25, 110: 1 (b) Son of man
Psalm 8: 4-6, and (c) Son of David Psalm 89: 3,4, 27, 29.

    3. Christ is seen in His offices as (a) Prophet Psalms 22: 22,25, 40: 9,10, (b) Priest Psalm 110: 4 and (c) King Psalm 2, 24.
    4. Christ is seen in His varied work:
    As Priest He offers Himself in sacrifice Psalms 22, 40: 6-8, Ref. Also Heb. 10: 5-12, and in resurrection as the Priest
Sheppard ever living to make intercession Psalms 23, Ref. Also Heb. 7: 21-25, 13: 20.
As Prophet He proclaims the name of the Lord as Father Psalms 22: 22 Ref. Also John 20: 17.
As King He fulfills the Davidic Covenant Psalms 89 and restores alike the dominion of man over creation Psalms 8: 4-8,
Ref. Also Romans 8: 17-21 and of the Father over all 1 Cor. 15: 25-28.

5. The Messianic Psalms give also the inner thoughts the exercise of soul of Christ in His earthly experiences Psalms 16: 8-
11, 22: 1-21, 40: 1-17.

The Day of Pentecost starts the Mystery of the Church presented to us by the Scriptures Ref. Acts 2: 1-12. A.D. 29 the Holy Spirit descended upon the then present day believers and inhabits and enables every believer throughout this age for the Fathers good work.

As we have seen from Hebrews 1: 2 Christ is the maker of the ages and so we see from Acts 2: 1 He has started a new age. The Lord has designed and authored for us to live and profess Him as Lord and Savior in this the Church Age or Grace Age as may be preferred. Ref. Mt. 16: 18, 18: 15-19. Some call it also the sixth Dispensation of Gods time line.

Purchased by the shedding of His blood on Calvary Ref. Rom. 3: 24,25, 1 Cor. 6: 20, 1 Pet. 1: 18,19, and constituted as the Church after His resurrection and ascension at Pentecost when in accordance with His promise, individual believers were for the first time baptized with the Holy Spirit into a unified spiritual organism likened to a body of which Christ is the Head Ref. 1 Cor. 12: 12,13, Col. 2: 19. Because of the emphasis upon the Holy Spirit in this age some have called the age “The Dispensation of the Spirit”.

As those saved individuals who compose Christs true Church fulfill the Lords command to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth, God, during this Age is taking out from among the Jews and Gentiles “ A people for His name” Ref. Acts 15: 14, called “The Church” and is carefully distinguished both from non-believing Jews and Gentiles as such Ref. 1 Cor. 10: 32, Gal. 3: 27, 28, Eph. 2: 11-18, 3: 5,6.

The Lord warned that during the whole period while the church is being formed by the Holy Spirit many will reject His Gospel, and many others will pretend to believe in Him and will become a source of spiritual corruption and hindrance to His purpose in this Age of this professing church. These will bring apostasy particularly in the last days Ref. Mt. 13: 24-30, 2 Thes. 2: 5-8, 1 Tim. 4: 1,2, 2 Tim. 3: 1, 2 Pet. 2: 1,2, 1 Jhn. 2: 18-20.

During the Church Age we have the Word of Gods Son to instruct us in the will of the Father for our lives. Ref. Heb. 1: 2. Particular instruction for the Church Age is the New Testament designed around the new order we discussed earlier set up by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ written by the Holy Spirit through men of all types of education from mere fisherman to scalars of many languages. Each Book designed for our edification in Gods Word and instructs us to His will for our lives.

The Books of the Bible under the new order

Book of Matthew... Matthew means “Gift of God” The book is of the coming of the promised Savior and King of the long awaited kingdom of God. Matthew is an eyewitness of Jesus' entire ministry. He stressed the passages from the Old Testament that show Jesus is the Messiah (Christ).

Book of Mark... The book is of the life of a powerful Savior super human power of Jesus. Christ is presented as God's Son in action, demonstrating His divinity by His miracles. Mark tells more of what Jesus did and less of what He said.

Book of Luke... The book is of the Grace of a perfect Savior, portrays Jesus as the long awaited Messiah of the Jews and also the Savior of all mankind. Special emphases is placed upon the kindness (Grace) of Jesus toward women, the poor, the outcasts, the weak, and those who were suffering in different ways. The Book is filled with expressions of praise and prayer.

Book of John... The book is of the possession of a perfect Savior, the gospel stress the deity of Jesus. This book offers more of what Jesus said than the things He did. Step by step this Gospel unfolds its proofs until the reader must reach the inescapable conclusion that Jesus is the Son of God.

Book of Acts... Relates the ministry of the Holy Spirit revealing the things of Christ and working through Christs body, the Church of Christ. The book tells how the early followers of Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, spread the Gospel far beyond the confines of Jewish life to whole world as Jesus commanded in Acts 1: 8.

In the Epistles we see Paul as the Apostle who declares the meaning of faith in Christ Jesus. Peter the Apostle of hope and John as the Apostle of Love.

Outline of the Epistles of Paul

Book of Romans... Paul writes of the Christ of my righteousness the most comprehensive statement of the full meaning of the cross of Christ. Paul develops the theme that all people, whether Jewish or Gentile, are sinners and, therefore, need God's salvation. Paul write that the only way to salvation is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through faith and complete obedience to Him.

Books of 1&2 Corinthians... Paul writes of the Christ as my Sanctification. Paul teaches the truth about the resurrection, and devotes a whole chapter on the subject of love. Teaches about women in the church, heresies, problems of living the christian life, the use the Lords Supper and matters of conscience.

The book of Galatians... Paul writes of the Christ as my Liberation. Paul taught that a right relationship with God was based on believing in Christ, not by trying to “make points” through obeying the law. Christians already had freedom and should not have been made to feel that they were in bondage again.

The book of Ephesians... Paul writes of the Christ as my Head. The Church (ekklesia) is the mystical body of Christ; God's great master plan was to bring everything together (Eph. 1: 10) under Christ as Head (Eph. 1: 22,23); we as the body of Christ on earth, have a part in this plan and the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of God's promise (Eph. 1: 13,14).

The book of Philippians... Paul writes of the Christ as my Joy, the first congregation to be established on European soil. Paul taught that they would be victorious if they had the same attitude of Christ instead of conceited pride. Phil. 2: 1-4. The all sufficiency of Christ in any circumstance, good or bad. Christ is the very meaning of life and death. Phil. 1: 20,21.

The book of Colossians... Paul writes of the Christ as my Life, Much attention was given to the powers of the spirit world as to the detriment of the place given to Christ. Paul teaches that spirituality is not achieved by self centered efforts to control the passions, but by putting on Christ, setting one's affections on Him, and so stripping off that all is contrary to His will.

The books of 1&2 Thessalonians... Paul writes of the Christ as my Hope. There was a concern in this church as to those who had died would be at a disadvantage not being alive at the (parousia), the coming of the Lord, would be realized. Paul writes to assure them (Hope) that those who had died would not miss any any of the glory that those who are alive at the coming of the Lord would experience.

God's design for us.

These first group of Epistles we find bring the believer out of one state of being to another state of being. Designed to show how the believer comes out of the state as man corrupt and fit only for hell in Romans; and by the time the believer has grown to the state of being in Thessalonians the Holy Spirit changes the believer and is fit to belong in God's presence.

God's design for young pastors.

In the Epistles of Timothy and Titus we have instructions to young pastors or teachers concerning conduct in the house of God. They are charged to guard their trust, to be strong, unashamed as a workman as difficult times will come, to preach the Word of Christ. Paul gives the qualifications of Elders, duties of the older and younger men in the church, Godly living as a leader of Christs body.

Story of Grace.

The Epistle of Philemon touches upon servitude among the Jews in the time of Christ and His Apostles. Paul beseeches Philemon to receive Onesimus as he would Paul himself, as a partner. Paul takes all of Onesimus debts upon himself, whatever they might be, and becomes security for him. The result is that Onesimus is a free man.

Person and Work of Christ.

The Epistle of Hebrews declares the superiority of the Person and Work of Christ over the Old Testament priesthood and sacrifices. The Epistle is to assure to Jewish believers that their faith in Jesus as Messiah was secure and reasonable. The Temple would soon be destroyed now there was no need of it as Christ Jesus had cleared the way for direct access to God's throne. Ref. Heb. 4: 14-16, 10: 19-22. And the blood of the Lamb of God now continually takes away sin. Ref. Heb. 9: 18-26.

The Epistle of James informs us how the godly individual should walk. The book is representative of Jewish Christianity of the type found in the Jerusalem congregation, where James was the dominant figure from about A.D. 45 until his martyrdom in A.D. 62.

The Epistle of 1&2 Peter relate to the sufferings of the people of God and the opposition they meet. In 1 Peter the opposition is from the world system we live in (ruled by Satan and his dominion), and in 2 Peter it is from the false teachers within the church as our Lord warned us of.

The Epistles of John speak of the believer in fellowship with God. In the first Epistle our fellowship is with the God of Light, Who is Righteous, and Who is Love. The second Epistle tells us who are to be excluded from fellowship with God. The third Epistle tells us who are to be included in the fellowship with God.

The book of Jude is of the last days of the Church. Jude is telling of the or warning of the inroads of which false teachers were making into the church. Jude urges the Christians to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” Re. Vs. 3. As Paul stated, Jude is relating to a very serious situation.

In the book of Revelation we see Christ as judge in the midst of the Churches in Chapter One, Two and Three for these chapters are the chapters of “ The Things seen” “The things which are” This is the first and second divisions of the book of the revelation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for our edification. Ref. Rev. 1: 19.

We see Christ as judge in the midst of the Nation Israel in the midst of the Gentile Nations; and the final revelation of a New Heaven and a New Earth in Chapters 4 through 22 the Third and final division of the Book “ Things hereafter” Ref. Rev. 1: 19.

Through out this Age the believer should come to realize as Paul teaches in his epistles that the only way to salvation is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through faith and complete obedience to Christ. The believer has a new life in Christ, the believer no longer needs to live a life under the constant domination of sin, guilt, and death. The believer is liberated by the Holy Spirit in his life and has inner peace, which means we have peace with God. This is why it is called the “Grace Age”.

The Church Age will be brought to a close by a series of prophesied events, the chief of which are:

    1. The translation of the true church from the earth to meet her Lord in the air at a point of time known only by the Heavenly Father and UN-revealed to men, and even held before true believers as an imminent and joyous hope, encouraging us in loving service and holiness in life. This event is often called “the rapture” Ref. 1 Thess. 4: 17,18.
    The central passage on the blessed hope of the church includes:
    1. Reassurance Ref. 1 Thess. 4: 13,14.
    2. This Revelation Ref. 1 Thess. 4: 15-17 which sets forth the return of Christ, the rapture “church caught up”, and the reunion of all believers.
    3. We are to give so that we can receive comfort Ref. 1 Thess. 4: 18.
    2. The judgments of the seventieth week of Daniel, called “The Tribulation” Ref. Mt. 24: 21,28, Mk. 13: 24. From scripture we see that the tribulation will begin with the signing of the covenant to permit the renewal of Jewish sacrifices Ref. Dan. 9: 27, it will start a period of unexampled trouble and judgment and is described in Revelation chapters 6 through 19, and it will involve the whole earth Ref. Rev. 3: 10, but it is distinctively “the time of Jacobs distress” Ref. Jer. 30: 7. The Jewish Nation being disciplined by God the Father.

The elements of the Great Tribulation (the latter half of the seventieth week of Daniel” are:

    1. The cruel reign of the “beast out of the sea” Ref. Rev. 13: 1 who, at the beginning of the final three and one-half years, will break his covenant with the Jews, the temple will have been built for Jewish sacrifices, the beast will show himself in the temple, demanding that he be worshiped as god by all the world. Ref. Mt. 24: 15, 2 Thess. 2: 4.
    2. The active interposition of Satan “having great wrath” Ref. Rev. 12: 12 who gives his power to the beast Ref. Rev. 13: 4,5.
    3. The unprecedented activity of demons Ref. Rev. 9: 2, 11.
    4. The terrible bowl judgments of Revelation 16.

The tribulation will, also be a great time of salvation. An elect group out of Israel will be redeemed Ref. Rev. 7: 1-4, along with an innumerable multitude of Gentiles Vs. 9. These are to have said come “out of the great tribulation” Vs. 14.

The tribulation will befall upon mankind in general but will include the unsaved portion of the professing church, which will have gone into apostasy and thus be left behind on earth when the True Church is translated to heaven. This final form of the apostate church is described in Revelation 17 as “the harlot” which will first “ride” the political power (beast), only to overthrown and absorbed by that power.

    3. The great tribulation will be followed immediately by the return of Christ in glory bringing with Him His Bride (Church), to set up His Millennium kingdom of righteousness and peace. Ref. Rev. 19: 11. The vision of the departure of Christ from heaven, with the saints and Angels, preparatory to the disastrous end in which the Gentile world power, headed up by the beast, is smitten by the Stone “cut out without hands”. Ref. Dan. 2: 34,35.
    4. Throughout the New Testament Christ is set forth as the judge of mankind: He Himself declares this. Ref. Jhn. 5: 22,23, 27, 30. This is re-emphasized in the preaching of the apostolic church: by Peter Ref. Acts 10: 42, and by Paul in his address to the Athenians Ref. Acts 17: 31, Rom. 2: 16. Christ will also be the Judge of believers for their works only, not of their salvation. Ref. Rom. 14: 10, 2 Cor. 5: 10. The controlling factor of judgment will be righteousness, a theme which begins at Genesis 18: 25 and continues through the scripture to Rev. 19: 11.
    The battle of Armageddon the name itself is to be found only in Revelation 16: 16, location is the hill and valley of Megiddo, which is west of the Jordan in the plain of Jezreel between Samaria Galilee. It is the appointed place where the armies of the beast and false prophet will be destroyed by Christ's descending to the earth in glory, as well as any other forces which will come against the beast in their attack on Palestine. The battle is a fulfillment of the striking-stone prophecy of Daniel 2: 55.

Christ as the maker of the Ages Ref. Heb. 1: 2, we see from scripture He has again another Age (Millennium) for us to know about. In this Age He Himself will be King and High Priest and all Nations will be under His Rule.

The Seventh Dispensation as some call it: The Kingdom, The millennial age, The thousand year reign.

This is the last of the ordered ages which condition human life on earth. It is the kingdom covenanted to King David. Ref. 2 Sam. 7: 8-17. Davids greater Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, will rule over the earth as King of kings and Lord of lords for 1000 years, associated with Himself in that reign His saints of all ages. Ref. Rev. 3: 21, 5: 9,10, 11: 15-18, 15: 3,4, 19: 16, 20: 4,6. The expression “Thousand Years” which occurs 6 times in Revelation 20 Vs. 1-7, give rise to the term “Millennium” from the Latin (mille) meaning thousand, and annus meaning year.

The Kingdom Age gathers into itself under Christ the various “times” spoken of in the scriptures:

    1. The times of opposition and misrule ends when Christ establishes His Kingdom. Ref. Isa. 11: 3,4.
    2. The time of testimony and divine forbearance ends in judgment. Ref. Mt. 25: 31-46, Acts 17: 30,31, Rev. 20: 7-15.
    3. The time of toil ends in rest and reward. Ref. 2 Thess. 1: 6,7.
    4. The time of suffering ends in glory. Ref. Rom. 8: 17,18.
    5. The time of Israels blindness and chastisement end in restoration and conversion. Ref. Ezk. 39: 25-29, Rom. 11: 25-27.
    6. The times of the Gentiles end in the smiting of the image and the setting up of the Kingdom of the Heavens. Ref. Dan. 2: 34,35, Rev. 19: 15-21.
    7. The time of creations bondage ends in deliverance at the manifestation of the sons of God. Ref. Gen. 3: 17, Isa. 11: 6-8, Rom. 8: 19-21.

At the conclusion of the thousand years, Satan is released for a little season and instigates a final rebellion which is summarily put down by the Lord. Christ casts Satan into the Lake of fire to be eternally tormented, Christ defeats the last enemy – death.
The second resurrection and Great White Throne Judgment:

The subjects are the “dead”. As the redeemed were raised from among the dead 1000 years earlier. Ref. Rev 20: 5 and have been in glory with Christ during that period, the “dead” can only be the wicked dead, from the beginning of human history to the setting up of the Great White Throne in Heaven.

The new heaven, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem.

    1. Revelation 21: 1 gives us the fact that our present heavens and earth will be destroyed, and a new heaven and earth created. Ref. Isa. 65: 17.
    2. The new Jerusalem is the dwelling place throughout eternity for the saints of all the ages we have spoken of and fulfills the hope of Abraham for the heavenly city. Ref. Heb. 12: 22-24, Isa. 65: 18-25.