Monday, August 10, 2020

Romans Chapter 2 Vs. 23

 God's Judgment and the Law

Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? Rom 2:23

through breaking the... You boast of the law, but you break it and bring reproach upon God by living in open contradiction to your own profession. The high priesthood itself was an office bought and sold like other commodities. The rapine of Eli’s sons was carried on many generations by priests (1Sam. 2:22; Mat. 23:1-39). Their adultery and polygamy were scandalous. They were guilty of theft, treachery, adultery, murder, and all the sins of Rom. 1:18-32; 2:1-29; 3:10-18.

Paul indicted such a Jew for hypocrisy: You who brag about (“are boasting in”; cf. Rom. 2:17) the Law, do you dishonor God by breaking the Law? An honest Jew would have to respond to Paul’s questions by admitting his guilt and his hypocrisy.

The law was given by God to help mankind. These Jewish leaders had twisted God’s law to fit what they wanted. Many of the customs they required the people to do, they did not do themselves. They had no feelings about putting burdens on others, but were not willing to do them themselves. The high priest’s office was founded to be a go between for God and his people. It was originated as an honorable holy office. By the time this was written, it had decayed into something terrible. They were even buying the priesthood. These had become power lovers, rather than men of God.