No One Is Righteous
What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; Rom 3:9
What then? Are... After all, have not we Jews a better claim to the gospel than Gentiles? This is the last Jewish part of the dialogue of Rom. 3:1-9. Paul answers that they have no more claim before God than Gentiles. The Jew has asked nine questions in this dialogue (Rom. 3:1, 3:3, 3:5, 3:7, 3:9). Paul has answered them in Rom. 3:2, 3:4, 3:6, 3:8, 3:9.
before proved both... In his last answer Paul comes back to the main subject of this section (Romans 1:18-3:20).
Sum of the Proof of World Guilt:
1. The 40 sins and the 20-fold apostasy of the Gentile world (Rom. 1:18-32)
2. Indictment of the self-righteous Jews who condemned the Gentiles, but were guilty of the same sins (Rom. 2:1-2)
3. Impenitence of both Jews and Gentiles proved them sinners (Rom. 2:3-6)
4. Refusal of both classes in obeying the gospel (Rom. 2:7-11)
5. Failure of both classes in walking in the light received (Rom. 3:12-16)
6. The Jews were exceedingly sinful because of their failure to live up to the law and superior advantages (Rom. 2:17-29)
7. The Jews were deeper sinners because of seeking excuses for their sinfulness contrary to the law and their own high profession of godliness (Rom. 3:1-9)
Condemnation against all human beings
In this section Paul concluded not only his indictment of the Jews but also the first section of his discussion that God’s righteousness is revealed in condemnation against the sinful human race.
All Are Under Sin
Paul asked, What shall we conclude then? and, Are we any better? The exact meaning of this Greek verb proechometha (used only here in the NT) is difficult to determine. It seems best to take the question as coming from Jewish readers to whom Paul has just been writing and to translate it, “Are we preferred?” Both the material preceding and Paul’s answer (Not at all!) support this solution. “Not at all” is literally “not by any means.” This is not Paul’s characteristic mē genoito, used in Rom. 3:3, 3:6, 3:31, and elsewhere. Jews have advantages over Gentiles (Rom. 2:17-20; 3:1-2), but God does not give them preferential treatment.
As evidence that the Jews have no preferred position, Paul stated that he had previously accused both Jews and Gentiles as all under sin, that is, they stand under sin’s power and control and under the condemnation that results from it (cf. Rom. 1:18; 2:5). The order of accusation was first Gentiles (1:18-2:16) and then Jews (Rom. 2:1-29). This order is reversed here because the Jews were most recently discussed.
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