Abraham Justified by Faith
to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
Rom 4:4
Now to him... If Abraham worked for and merited justification, then it was not of grace because God owed it to him. But if he believed God for it instead of working for it, then faith was counted for righteousness and God gave it to him as a favor. Since he was called when he was a Gentile idolater and he was justified freely by faith, then all other sinners can likewise be justified (Rom. 3:21-28; 5:1-11).
Broadening his argument from Abraham to all men, the apostle here makes it clear that the forensic act of declaring a man righteous is completely apart from any kind of human work. If salvation were on the basis on one’s own effort, God would owe salvation as a debt.
The apostle then discussed the significance of this Scripture quotation. He pointed out that a worker’s wages are what are owed him because he earned them, and are not graciously given to him as a gift.
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