The Kings of the South and the North
Daniel 11:43 "But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians [shall be] at his steps."
Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps
Prophetic Sensationalism
When Mussolini took Libya and Ethiopia in 1935, thousands of Bible students hailed him as the Antichrist, claiming Dan. 11:43 was being fulfilled. This, plus the fact of his dream of the revival of the Roman Empire, caused many to teach that he was truly the Antichrist, but how wrong they have been. This and all other foolish speculations of the past about Hitler, Stalin, the pope of Rome, and others should cure students of further guessing concerning the fulfillment of prophecy, but this seems impossible.
Speculation still goes rampant through the land without check. Some have gone so far as to find the U.S.A. in the name of Jer-USA-lem. Others see the U.S.A. in Isa. 18:1-7, in the white horse rider of Rev. 6:1-17, and the two-horned lamb of Rev. 13:1-18. Innumerable speculations have been advanced concerning the name of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, and a host of other things of Scripture. Some even find flying saucers in Scripture, as well as the atom bomb, the H-bomb, the airplane, the automobile, radio, television, and other modern inventions, while the truth is that not one of these is mentioned apart from the general statement that "knowledge shall be increased" (Dan. 12:4). Libya and Ethiopia could be conquered by any number of men, if the Lord tarries, without fulfilling Dan. 11:43. Unless one conquers after the 10 kingdoms are formed (Dan. 7:24), after the rapture of the church, and comes from Syria and makes a 7-year covenant with Israel (Dan. 8:9-14; 9:27), he cannot fulfill this prophecy. There would be no sensational speculation about prophecy if men would watch the time element and other facts that identify a true fulfillment.
We had mentioned earlier, that this was a man of great wealth and power. Nothing will be withheld from him. This ruler is against Christ, and all the believers in Christ. Many nations feel the same way he does about the Christians and Christ.
When the Antichrist hears of this invasion, he will move his army from Europe into the Middle East, sweeping through many countries… like a flood (Dan. 11:40). He will move quickly into the land of Israel, the Beautiful Land (Dan. 11:41; cf. Dan. 11:16; 8:9). His first strike will be against Egypt (Dan. 11:42-43), for Egypt and her Arab allies (Libyans and Nubians, Dan. 11:43) are the ones who will initiate the invasion on Israel. On this occasion the king will not conquer the territory of Edom, Moab, and… Ammon (Dan. 11:41), now included in the present kingdom of Jordan. But he will gain control over “many countries.”
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