God's Sovereign Choice
Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? Rom 9:24
see, the mercy of God is so great that He holds back His wrath until
all who will accept Jesus as Savior have come into the kingdom.
Up to this point Paul had been speaking conditionally and objectively, but in Rom. 9:24 he was more direct — even us — because he and his readers were some of the vessels of mercy sovereignly chosen by God. God not only chose them but He also called them, including Jews and Gentiles. The point is that God’s sovereign choice was manifested not only in the Jews’ ancestry (in Isaac and Jacob, Rom. 9:6-13), but also in Paul’s generation and today. To back up his conclusion and particularly the part about Gentiles, Paul quoted two verses from Hosea (Hos. 2:23; 1:10).
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