Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Daniel Chapter 11 Vs. 44

 The King of the North

Daniel 11:44 "But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many."

But tidings out... This verse predicts the third tri-continental war of the future

Three Great Future Tri-Continental Wars

1. The first tri-continental war will be for the purpose of forming the 10 kingdoms inside the old Roman Empire territory, fulfilling Dan. 7:23-24. The 24 states now inside this territory will be reduced to 10 kingdoms. This will require a war in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and the defeat of Russia who now controls part of the territory. These 10 kingdoms will be the Revised Roman Empire symbolized by the 10 toes on the image of Dan. 2:1-49, and the 10 horns of the beasts of Dan. 7:1-28, Rev. 12:1-17, 13:1-18, and Rev. 17:1-18.

2. The second tri-continental war will take place after the 10 kingdoms are formed and the Revised Roman Empire continues a short space (Rev. 17:10). The little horn or future Antichrist will come from one of these 10 kingdoms and from among them to form the eighth kingdom of Rev. 17:8-17. In this second war he will overthrow 3 of the 10 kingdoms before the others submit to him (Dan. 7:23-24; Rev. 17:12-17).

3. The third tri-continental war will be after Antichrist gets power over the 10 kingdoms, in the middle of Daniel’s 70th week, or 3 1/2 years before the second coming of Christ (Rev. 13:5). The 10 kingdoms under Antichrist will fight this third war with the countries of the north and east of the old Roman Empire territory (Dan. 11:44). When Antichrist conquers these new enemies he will lead the nations down to Jerusalem to battle and then Christ will come to defeat them at Armageddon (Eze. 38-39; Zec. 14:1-21 Rev. 19:11-21).

It literally predicts that plans of war against him and his ten kingdoms inside the old Roman Empire will become known to Antichrist and he will lead his armies to victory against the combined nations, east and north of his ten kingdoms.

Russia Not the King of the North

Many teach that Russia is the king of the north of Dan. 11:1-45, but this is impossible for the following reasons:

1. Russia never was a part of the old Roman Empire out of which 10 kingdoms must be formed in the last days and out of which Antichrist must come (Dan. 7:8, 7:23-24).

2. Russia never was a part of the old Grecian Empire, or the 4 divisions of that empire after the death of Alexander the Great, out of which Antichrist must come (Dan. 8:9-14, 8:20-23).

3. Russia is not once referred to in the wars of Dan. 11:4-34. These were eventually fought between Syria and Egypt in a period of about 150 years, ending with the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes, as seen in the notes on that section of Scripture. Therefore, to insert Russia into the future war between the future king of the north (Syria) and the king of the south (Egypt) is adding to God’s Word. One might as well identify the U.S.A., Britain, or any other country we want to as the king of the north as to do so with Russia.

4. If Russia is the king of the north of Dan. 11:4-45, then what countries are north of Russia that will make war on Russia, fulfilling the war tidings from the north and east of this king of the north of Dan. 11:44? There are no countries north of Russia that could make war on her, fulfilling this verse. Hence, Russia is entirely out of the picture in Dan. 11:1-45.

5. In the past, Russia bordered the Syrian division of the 4 divisions of the old Grecian Empire, so in the formation of the 10 kingdoms this will perhaps be true of the border between future Syria and Russia. Hence, Russia could be the only country to fulfill making war on Syria at that time, for Turkey will have already been conquered by him and made a part of the 10 kingdoms of Revised Rome, under the king of the north (Dan. 7:23-24; Rev. 17:8-17).

Another Fallacy about Russia:

The only other major fallacy about Russia is that she will invade Israel, fulfilling Eze. 38-39. Many are the speculations regarding Russia being the country from which Antichrist comes, of her fulfilling Dan. 11:40-45; Eze. 38-39, and of her invading Israel before the battle of Armageddon. Not one of these theories is true. Even if Russia did invade Israel before Armageddon, no particular prophecy would be involved. Eze. 38-39 could not be fulfilled by any such war, for these two chapters are to be fulfilled at Armageddon only, and not in some war before then.

If Bible scholars will recognize one thing, not only will Eze. 38-39 be clear for them, but also Dan. 11:44. That one thing is, Antichrist from Syria will get power over the 10 kingdoms of Revised Rome in the first 3 1/2 years of Daniel’s 70th week, and then the war between him and his 10 kingdoms and the countries east and north of the old Roman Empire territory will be fought. Antichrist will conquer the eastern and northern countries and become the ruler of Russia by conquest, not by being a native of Russia and coming from her (Dan. 11:44). At that time he will become the Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal of Eze. 38-39—at the end of this war or near the end of the last 3 1/2 years of Daniel’s 70th week. Then, and then only, will Eze. 38-39 be fulfilled. The Antichrist will lead the newly conquered countries, together with the 10 kingdoms and other nations that will cooperate with him, through the ministry of the 3 unclean spirits (Rev. 16:13-16), to their end at Armageddon (Eze. 38-39; Joel 3:1-21; Zec. 14:1-21; Rev. 19:11-21).

Thus the king of the north (Syria), will war on the countries north and east of Syria, and they will be defeated, for Antichrist will go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly make away many (Dan. 11:44). Many, if not all the nations north and east of the old Roman Empire territory, will unite to put down this new conqueror who, in 3 1/2 short years, will have gained complete mastery of all the 10 kingdoms of the Roman Empire territory. Realizing that he is set upon complete world conquest they will know that they must defeat him or be defeated eventually by him. So, before he recovers from his bloody wars inside the Roman Empire, they will unite to put an end to his conquests. Antichrist could perhaps conquer more of the world if it were not for Christ’s coming to earth to save Israel when half of Jerusalem is taken (Zec. 14:1-21). Thus, Antichrist’s dream of being a total worldwide dictator will come far short of his goal. Christ will be the one and only worldwide ruler other than Adam and Noah of the human race and Lucifer of the angelic race.

shall trouble him... Hebrew: bahal, to tremble inwardly; palpitate; be alarmed; agitated; to hasten (Dan. 11:44; Gen. 45:3; 1Sam. 28:21; 2Sam. 4:1; 2Ch. 32:18; Job 4:5; 23:15; Psm. 30:7; 48:5; 83:17; 90:7; 104:29).

with great fury... Hebrew: chema’, heat; fury.

utterly to make... Hebrew: kaliyl, complete; wholly consume.

Any hint of any country being opposed to him, would bring their sudden destruction. He will set himself up to be ruler of the whole earth.

Then the Antichrist will hear alarming reports from the east (probably referring to an invasion by a massive army of 200 million soldiers from east of the Euphrates River, Rev. 9:16) and from the north (perhaps another attack by the king of the North; cf. Dan. 11:40). Enraged, the Antichrist will set out to destroy… many of the invaders.