Saturday, April 4, 2020

Ezekiel Chapter 41 Vs. 5-11

Temple Proper

Ezekiel 41:5-11

Surrounding the temple were three levels of side rooms… one 

above another, 30 on each level. These rooms were probably 

storerooms for the temple equipment and storage chambers for the 

people’s tithes and offerings (cf. Mal. 3:8-10). These rooms were 

similar to those in Solomon’s temple (cf. 1Ki. 6:5-10).

The wall of the house was 9 feet. The width of these side chambers 

were 6 feet. They were for the priests, who were serving in the 

temple. There appeared to be a 9 foot wall, separating the most 


place, from the chambers for the priests.

There seemed to be 30 of these chambers which were 6 feet wide at 
the lowest level.

There seemed to be several floors. In the chambers, the first floor 

was very small, as we saw in the previous verse. The second floor 

was bigger than the first, and the third floor was bigger than the 

second. There were, probably, three floors in these chambers.

It appears from this, that the foundations were 9-10 feet apart.

The walls separating this area were 7 1/2 feet wide.

This is speaking of this area being 30 feet square.

The dimension of the area that was left was 7 1/2 feet.