The Interpretation of the Vision
fainted, and was... No doubt Daniel had fasted long to get this answer, like he did on some other occasions (Dan. 9:3; 10:2-3). Otherwise, seeing a vision in itself would not make one sick. The vision has caused Daniel to be very grieved.
the kings’ business;... It would appear that Daniel was in Shushan on business for Belshazzar or Nebonidus, rulers of Babylon (Dan. 8:1; cp. Dan. 1:21; 5:29-31; 6:28).
but none understood... Naturally, none would be able to understand the vision of empires and future events, apart from the interpretation given. This does not mean that the language was difficult to understand, but that comprehension of events in such distant future was difficult. Now, in the light of the history of many of these things, we can easily understand the last end of them if we will (Dan. 8:9-14, 8:23-25). I believe God does not reveal this to man, because it is His secret. There are some things not intended to be understood.
Continued ignorance of the plain facts comes from people changing what is written to what is not written in order to harmonize with past interpreters who understood little about these matters and who sought for a spiritual and mystical meaning instead of the literal. For example, some have claimed that the he-goat which "touched not the ground" as he went refers to the modern airplane. How ridiculous in view of Dan. 8:21 which says the he-goat is the kingdom Greece.
Daniel’s response
Daniel was completely overcome (exhausted and… ill) by the interpretation of this vision. For several days he was unable to carry on his official business.
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