For this cause... Because of the apostasy of Rom. 1:21-25.
vile... Greek: atimia, vile (Rom. 1:26); shame (1Cor. 11:14); reproach (2Cor. 11:21); and dishonour (Rom. 9:21; 1Cor. 15:43; 2Cor. 6:8; 2Tim. 2:20).
affections... Greek: pathos, affections (Rom. 1:26; Col. 3:5) and lusts (1Thes. 4:5). Vile affections are passions of infamy and shame.
the natural use... This is lesbianism—unnatural, homosexual relations between women.
Abandoned to sexual perversion
Also God gave them over to shameful lusts (lit., “passions of disgrace”). This involved, as the text states, both sexes engaging in homosexual instead of heterosexual relationships. Women deliberately exchanged natural relations (with men in marriage) for unnatural ones (with other women). This is the second “exchange” the unregenerate made (cf. Rom. 1:25). Men… were inflamed with lust (orexei, “sexual lust,” used only here in the NT and differing from the more common word for lust in Rom. 1:26).
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