Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Romans Chapter 2 Vs. 8

God's Righteous Judgment

But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Rom 2:8

indignation and wrath,... Note the contrasted destinies of two classes-good and evil (Rom. 2:7-11).

Conversely a person who continually does evil and rejects the truth shows that he is unregenerate, and therefore will be an object of God’s wrath.

We see in verse 8 what awaits those who are not walking with Jesus in His Light.

On the other hand wrath and anger will be the portion of the self-seeking… who reject (lit., “keep on disobeying”) the truth and follow (pres. tense, “keep on obeying”) evil (adikia, “unrighteousness”; cf. Rom. 1:18). God is not unaware. He will punish those who do not obey. From Genesis to Revelation we see blessings for those who live for God and curses to those who are the children of disobedience.

Each one who does (“keeps on producing”) evil will receive trouble and distress, whereas each one who does (“keeps on working”) good will have glory, honor (cf. “glory and honor” in Rom. 2:7), and peace. This just recompense by God is without regard to ethnic background or any other consideration except what each person has done.