The Vision of the Four Beasts
Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. Dan. 7:2
I saw in... The 10th prophecy in Daniel (Dan. 7:2-14: Dan. 7:2-7, 7:12 are fulfilled; Dan. 7:8-11, 7:13-14 are unfulfilled). Next, Dan. 7:17.
the four winds... Here we have the beginning of the vision in symbols. The interpretation is given in Dan. 7:17-27. The vision concerns the same kingdoms as symbolized by the great image in Dan. 2:1-49, with some additional facts. In Dan. 2:1-49 Nebuchadnezzar is shown the Gentile world kingdoms from his day to the second coming of Christ. They are pictured there, from man’s standpoint, as a great and beautiful metallic image. In Dan. 7:1-28 God shows Daniel the same kingdoms from God’s standpoint as ferocious wild wild beasts (Dan. 7:17).
winds... Winds in symbolic passages denote wars, strife, and judgments from God (Dan. 7:1-3; 8:7-13 with Jer. 25:32-33; Rev. 7:1-3).
the great sea... Seas in symbolic passages represent peoples (Dan. 7:17; Rev. 13:1; 17:1, 17:15).
In this dream, or vision, of Daniel’s, he saw the wind coming from 4 directions at once. This would create a tornado of wars, strife and judgments, or something very similar to that.
Here the great sea is speaking nations and the people of the earth.
The number 4 is speaking of universal. This is has to do with the entire human race. This just means there was a great turmoil going on upon the earth.
In the first six chapters, Daniel wrote in the third person; in the last six chapters he wrote in the first person. In his vision Daniel first saw the great sea churned by the action of four winds. The word translated “winds” may also be rendered “spirits,” that is, angels. Elsewhere in Scripture this word is used to refer to God’s providential actions in the affairs of men through angels (Jer. 23:19; 49:36; 51:1; Zec. 6:1-6; 7:14; 7:1-3). Throughout the Old Testament the Mediterranean Sea is referred to as the Great Sea (Num. 34:6-7; Jos. 1:4; 9:1; 15:12, 15:47; 23:4; Eze. 47:10, 47:15, 47:20; 48:28). This vision then related specifically to the Mediterranean world.
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