The Promise Realized Through Faith
Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. Rom 4:15
law worketh wrath... No law makes provision for mercy and pardon should it be broken. It works wrath and punishment only.
How can you break a law, if there is no law? If you break the law (that you are living under), you will be punished (wrath). If there is no law, you are not punished. (There are no laws written down on paper for Christians). God’s laws are written in our heart. We are pardoned by the blood of Jesus Christ.
the promise is worthless (katērgētai,
“has been made invalid”). The reason this would be true is that
Law brings wrath (lit., “the Law keeps on producing wrath”) as a
consequence of disobedience. No one can keep the Law fully; therefore
God, in wrath against sin, judges those who disobey.
Paul then stated a related general principle: And where there is no law, there is no transgression. A person may still be sinning in his action, but if there is no command prohibiting it his action does not have the character of a transgression, an overstepping of a prohibition (cf. Rom. 5:13).
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