Monday, January 4, 2021

Daniel Chapter 9 Vs. 23

Gabriel Brings an Answer

Daniel 9:23 "At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew [thee]; for thou [art] greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision."

God heard his prayer immediately, and sent Gabriel to him. The commandment that came forth was God commanding Gabriel to bring the message to Daniel. One of the most wonderful things any of us could hear is that we are greatly beloved of God. I am sure this was the greatest thing Daniel could ever hope to hear. Daniel is to carefully consider the vision, and then understand.

Daniel wanted to know what would transpire after that. Daniel’s previous two visions (Dan. 7-8) of forthcoming events dealt primarily with Gentile nations that would rise beginning with Babylon. So Gabriel was dispatched by God to satisfy Daniel’s desire and to reveal God’s program for His people until its consummation in the covenanted kingdom under Israel’s Messiah. Gabriel would give Daniel insight into God’s purposes for His people. Because the prophet was highly esteemed (cf. Dan. 10:11, 10:19) by God, Gabriel had received an answer for Daniel as soon as Daniel began to pray.