The Inner Court
And within were hooks, an hand broad, fastened round about: and upon the tables was the flesh of the offering. Eze 40:43
within were hooks... The hooks were to hang the animals on while killing and preparing them for sacrifice rituals.
Hooks means a two pronged hook for flaying animals on. It also means a stall. A stall just about 3.648 inches wide would not be wide enough to put an animal in. I believe this is speaking of a hook attached to the wall to hang them on.
an hand broad... The hand broad is speaking of 3.648 inches. Hand breadth is the width of the palm of the hand. It would have to be big like this to be strong enough to hold a heavy animal.
Levitical sacrifices were connected with Israel’s worship of God. When the church supplanted Israel in God’s program (cf. Rom. 11:11-24) a new economy or dispensation began. The Levitical sacrificial system, which looked forward to Christ, was replaced by the Lord’s Supper, which looked back to His death and forward to His second coming (1Cor. 11:24, 11:26).
At Christ’s second coming Israel will again assume her place of prominence in God’s kingdom program (cf. Rom. 11:25-27). The Lord’s Supper will be eliminated, because Christ will have returned. It will be replaced by animal sacrifices, which will be memorials or object lessons of the supreme sacrifice made by the Lamb of God. The slaughtering of these animals will be vivid reminders of the Messiah’s suffering and death. The millennial sacrifices will differ from the Levitical sacrifices though there are some similarities (see comments on Eze. 45:18-25). Other passages also refer to a sacrificial system in the Millennium (Isa. 56:7; 66:20-23; Jer. 33:18; Zec. 14:16-21; Mal. 3:3-4).
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