Do Not Pass Judgment on One Another
Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. Rom 14:3
Let not him... Twenty duties of Christians in view of nonessential scruples among believers:
1. Fellowship with each other in spite of personal differences of opinion (Rom. 14:1).
2. Do not despise each other (Rom. 14:3).
3. Do not judge each other (Rom. 14:3-13).
4. Recognize that each man is God’s servant and personally responsible to God for what he allows himself to do, aside from what is forbidden to all (Rom. 14:4).
5. Recognize that no man will fall who conscientiously follows God and the light he has received (Rom. 14:4; 1Jhn. 1:7).
6. Judge no man as to the sabbath he keeps (Rom. 14:5-6; Gal. 4:9-11; Col. 2:14-17).
7. Judge none about allowable eats and drinks (Rom. 14:2-6, 14:13-23; Col. 2:14-17; 1Tim. 4:1-6; 1Cor. 8:8-13; 10:23-31).
8. Let all live in peace, for the Lord, and for each other (Rom. 14:8-9, 14:13-23; 1Cor. 8:8-13; 10:23-31; 1Pet. 5:1-9).
9. Do not set each other at nought (Rom. 14:3-4, 14:10; Gal. 5:14-15; Eph. 4:31-32).
10. Recognize that each man shall give account of himself to God (Rom. 14:10-12; 2Cor. 5:10; Mat. 12:37; 16:27).
11. Do not cause anyone to stumble (Rom. 14:13).
12. Recognize that there is no animal classed as unclean for food in the New Testament (Rom. 14:14; 1Cor. 8:7-13; 10:23-31; Col. 2:14-17; 1Tim. 4:1-6).
13. Demonstrate love by giving up those things that destroy others (Rom. 14:15; 1Cor. 8:8-13; 10:23-31).
14. Do not bring reproach upon Christ by your Christian liberty (Rom. 14:16-18; 1Cor. 8:8-13; 10:23-31).
15. Follow the things that make peace and edify others instead of making a hobby of meats, drinks, sabbaths, circumcision, law keeping, rituals, dress, styles, ornaments, customs, and outward religion-things, which in themselves do not destroy the work of God, and concerning which all people will never perfectly agree (Rom. 14:19-20; 1Cor. 8:4-13; 10:13-31).
16. Do not use any of the non-essentials to stumble, offend, or make any man weak either by argument or practice (Rom. 14:21; 1Cor. 8:7-13; 10:23-31).
17. Practice your faith before God and do not parade it before others (Rom. 14:22; 1Cor. 8:9-13; 10:31).
18. Do not condemn yourself over anything not specifically forbidden in Scripture by plain command. Do not permit your conscience to be swayed by wrong religious background or constant religious turmoil over doubtful things (Rom. 14:22).
19. Do not do anything that is doubtful. If you are not clear on a matter, proceed no further (Rom. 14:23; 1Cor. 8:7).
20. Bear the weaknesses of others. Tolerate their peculiar and sometimes ridiculous scruples until they become strong (Rom. 15:1-3; 1Cor. 8:7-13; 10:23-31).
This tells me that to the fullness of the knowledge that we possess at the time, we should do our best to be pleasing to God.
1Cor. 10:29 “Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another [man’s] conscience?”
Here, we see the answer to it all. Whatever we do, we must do it with a clear conscience. Again I say, God will not hold you responsible for the things you do not know, if you have made an effort to do what you believe to be pleasing to Him. Why don’t we just let God handle His business? We are not anyone’s judge, God is. What God does with someone else is not our business.
The strong hold the weak in contempt as legalistic and self- righteous; the weak judge the strong to be irresponsible at best and perhaps depraved.
In such a situation neither believer should judge the other. Look down on (exoutheneitō; also used in Rom. 14:10) should be translated “despise” or “reject with contempt” (cf. “treat… with contempt,” Gal. 4:14; 1Thes. 5:20). The reason a “strong” Christian (cf. Rom. 15:1) should not despise a “weak” one, and the reason that a weak Christian should not condemn (krinetō) the strong one is that God has accepted (same verb as in Rom. 14:1) both of them. (Another reason for not downgrading others is given later in Rom. 14:10.) As a believer, he is a servant of God and he is accountable to God, his Judge.
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