Saturday, February 15, 2020

Ezekiel Chapter 38 Vs. 17

The Judgment of Gog

Thus saith the Lord GOD; [Art] thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days [many] years that I would bring thee against them? Eze. 38:17

Art thou he... Question 79. Next, Eze. 47:6.

whom I have... Refers to the general references to this time and the participants. Even Daniel referred to this time at least 3 decades prior to Ezek. 38 (in Dan. 2:41-44). The nature of the question presupposes that the previous generalities are now being particularized in the person of Gog.

The defeat of Gog (38:17-39:8).

Gog’s attack will be crushed by God Himself. God asked Gog, Are you not the one I spoke of in former days by My servants the prophets of Israel? This has caused some confusion among interpreters because no direct reference to Gog is made by any of the previous writing prophets. Perhaps this means earlier prophets had predicted the coming of invading armies against Israel in the last days, which Ezekiel now associated specifically with Gog (cf. Joel 3:9-14; Zeph. 3:15-20).