My Sheep Hear My Voice- Rev. 22:4
Before Jesus was crucified He told the disciples to watch and pray, something so simple, but they let their physical bodies take over and they fell back asleep. In these last hours of time you need to hear His voice. When He tells you something, it is very important, but most ignore my voice or just discuss it and go on with what they were doing. You will see many things start to happen shortly and if you do not hear and obey His voice,... it will mean death for some of you....Jesus has only your best interest in mind. Christ knows you heart, and if you are truly His you will hear His voice. He awakes many of you at 3am on the dot, but most will roll over and go back to sleep. There are a few who will get up and pray. Your day is filled with so many things and Jesus is the last thing many of you give your time to. But Christ needs to talk to you,... to fellowship with you and only when you are still and quite (3am) can you hear Him,... the rest of your day is so busy you do not have time for Him,... but you need to make time, for time is short and the Lord has instructions for you.
Revelation 22
And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. Rev. 22:4
they shall see... All creatures of the eternal state will actually look upon God’s face and His name shall be in their foreheads, as in Rev. 3:12; 7:1-8; 9:4; 14:1. They shall reign and help God administer the affairs of the universe forever (Rev. 22:5; 1:6; 5:10; Dan. 7:18, 7:27; Zec. 14:5; 1Cor. 6:1-2; 2Tim. 2:12; etc.).
No unglorified human could see God’s face and live (Exodus 33:20-23). But the residents of heaven can look on God’s face without harm because they are now holy (compare John 1:18; 1 Tim. 6:16; 1 John 3:2).
The greatest blessing of eternity is that they shall see his face (Matt. 5:8; Heb. 12:14). Though this is now impossible for an unglorified human being (Exodus 33:20), it will occur in the eternal state.
and His name... The name of God in their foreheads shows ownership and consecration (Rev. 3:12; 13:16; Exodus 28:36-38).
Throughout the Bible, we have been taught that you could not look upon the face of God and live. Even Moses, who was so close to God, wanted to see God, and God told him no. He put His hand over Moses and passed by him, and Moses saw his back side (Exodus 33:22). There we will be in his presence all the time and can look in his face anytime we want to. We are sealed with the Lamb's seal.
The saints in New Jerusalem will see God's face. Being perfectly holy and righteous, they'll be able to endure the blazing, glorious light from God's presence without being consumed. That was impossible for mortal men.
They will have a privileged place before the throne for they will see His face. The implication is that they are under the Lord’s good favor and in His “inner circle.” This intimacy is also indicated by the fact that His name will be on their foreheads (cf. Rev. 2:17; 3:12; 7:3; 14:1). Their freedom to be in the presence of God indicates that they will then be in their glorified bodies (cf. 1Jn. 3:2).
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